
Mata Kuliah

MKK COMM6106 Sociology and Anthropology in Communication Context 2
COMM6100 Introduction to Communication Science 4
LANG6030 Indonesian Language 4
COMM6009 Introduction to Political Science 2
COMM8101 Philosophy of Communication 2
MKB COMM6097 Speaking in Public 4
English University Courses I
ENGL6128 English in Focus 2
ENGL6130 English for Business Presentation 2
SKS Total 20
SKS Kumulatif 20

For English University Courses I, student with score Binus University English Proviciency Test less than 500 will take English in Focus, and student with score test greater or equal than 500 will take English for Business Presentation


Kelompok Mata Kuliah SKS
MPK CHAR6013 Character Building: Pancasila 2
MKK COMM6012 Theory of Communication 4
COMM6098 Human Relations in Communication Context 4
COMM8107 Sociology of Communication 2
COMM6129 Organizational Communication 4
MKB COMP6177 Computer Laboratory in Communication Context 2
English University Courses II
ENGL6129 English Savvy 2
ENGL6131 English for Written Business Communication 2
SKS Total 20
SKS Kumulatif 40

For English University Courses II, student with score Binus University English Proviciency Test less than 500 will take English Savvy, and student with score test greater or equal than 500 will take English for Written Business Communication




Mata Kuliah

MPK CHAR6014 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2
MKK COMM6014 Theory of Mass Communications 4
COMM6099 Intercultural Communication 4
COMM8108 Psychology of Communication 2
MKB COMM6087 Writing Techniques in Communication Context 4
ENTR6003 Entrepreneurship I 2
CHIN6096 Chinese Language in Mass Communication 4
COMM6081 Introduction to Journalism and Broadcasting 2
SKS Total 24
SKS Kumulatif 64




Kelompok Mata Kuliah SKS
MBB CHAR6015 Character Building: Agama 2
MKK RSCH6008 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods in Communication Context 4
STAT6080 Statistics in Communication Context 4
COMM6019 Public Opinion 2
MKB COMM6130 Professional Image and Acting 2/2
Stream: Broadcasting
MKB COMM6078 Radio and Television Script Writing* 4
DSGN6185 Camera Technique  and Lighting 2/2
Stream: Digital Journalism
MKB COMM6089 Photography for Journalistic and Digital Journalism* 4
COMM6096 Media Interview Technique 2/2
SKS Total 24
SKS Kumulatif 88

*) Entrepreneurship embedded



Kelompok Mata Kuliah SKS
Stream: Broadcasting
MPB COMM6079 Broadcasting in Practice I 8
COMM6131 Broadcasting Programming in Industry 2
COMM6132 News Production in Industry 2
MPK COMM6133 EES in Industry I 4
Stream: Digital Journalism
MKB COMM6090 Digital Journalism In Practice I 8
COMM6143 Writing Skills in Industry 2
COMM6144 Applied Digital Media in Industry 2
COMM6133 EES in Industry I 4
SKS Total 16
SKS Kumulatif 104




Kelompok Mata Kuliah SKS
MKB ENTR6004 Entrepreneurship II 2
DSGN6279 Creativity for Media Communication* 2/2
COMM8082 Media Convergence 2
Stream: Broadcasting
MKB COMM6084 Producer, Program  and Management of Broadcasting 2
COMM6085 Interview &  Reportage Technique 2/2
COMM6086 Radio and Television Editing 2/2
MKK COMM6083 Broadcasting Rule & Ethics 2
Stream: Digital Journalism
MKB DSGN6187 Web  Production and Web Management 2
COMM6091 Journalism in a Globalizing World and Writing for Cultural Issue 4
DSGN6188 Desktop Publishing for Digital Journalism 2/2
MPK COMM6095 Journalistic Rule & Ethics 2
SKS Total 20
SKS Kumulatif 124

*) Entrepreneurship embedded



Kelompok Mata Kuliah SKS
Stream: Broadcasting
MPB COMM6080 Broadcasting in Practice II 8
COMM6134 Magazine Production in Industry 2
COMM6135 Globalized Networking in Industry 2
MPK COMM6136 EES in Industry II 4
Stream: Digital Journalism
MPB COMM6093 Digital Journalism In Practice II 8
COMM6145 News Research in Industry 2
COMM6146 Globalized Networking in Industry 2
MPK COMM6136 EES in Industry II 4
SKS Total 16
SKS Kumulatif 140



Kelompok Mata Kuliah SKS
Stream: Broadcasting
MKB COMM6137 Thesis/Project  of Broadcasting 6
Stream: Digital Journalism
MKB COMM6147 Thesis of Digital Journalism 6
SKS Total 6
SKS Kumulatif 146



Catatan :

  • MKK = Mata kuliah Keilmuan & Ketrampilan. 
  • MKB = Mata kuliah Keahlian Berkarya.
  • MPK = Mata kuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian.
  • MPB =  Mata kuliah Prilaku Berkarya.
  • MBB = Mata kuliah Berkehidupan Bermasyarakat.