We will all try to get the jobs that we want. When we get that, of course, we will try to adapt to the environment at the company. We are often faced with a very diverse work environment. Every company has its own rules and ethics. They have a vision and mission, and all employees who work must also have the same vision and mission. We conducted interviews with Mr. Hendri as staff at PD Rimba Kamper and Mr. Tan Kim Seng as one of the marketers at PT Nagata Indonesia Permai. Then, what do they say?
Work ethics is an ethic that must be adhered to by all employees who work in a company, such as dressing professionally, being disciplined, and so on. Discipline is one of the work ethics that is upheld by a company. This is proven by the answers from Mr. Hendri and Mr. Tan during the interview process, even work diligence is also included in the work ethic at Mr. Hendri’s workplace. According to Mr. Hendri, work ethics are not only used to discipline employees but also to reflect that a company has a good reputation and it will increase customer trust.
Communication in a workplace also has a very important role, especially interpersonal communication between employees. Interpersonal communication can make a person more open and closed. “In my opinion, it can improve the company productivity and improve the employee performance,” said Mr. Hendri. A similar answer was also given by Mr. Tan, he said that every employee must be able to communicate well to increase productivity.
It is not only interpersonal communication that is important in the workplace. Open communication is also important in a company. When a company has open communication, employees can also find out what problem that the company is facing and the problems that are faced by employees. Often, superiors don’t use open communication with their employees which ultimately has an impact on employee performance because employees feel they don’t know anything and vice versa. The same thing was also conveyed by Mr. Hendri and Mr. Tan, they thought that open communication was important so that the company also knew about the problems that were being faced by employees.
In the rapid technological developments, we are required to be able to adapt well. According to Mr. Hendri, the use of technology is very important for data management. Apart from using face-to-face communication, a company also uses the media to be able to communicate with employees. Social media is one of the media that used by companies. Whatsapp is one of the platforms used by Mr. Hendri and Mr. Tan in communicating with others. They also often use email and Mr. Tan also uses Line and even direct call to be able to communicate with superiors or employees. According to Mr. Tan Kim Seng, the existence of social media can connect superiors to employees or other friends.
Sometimes in communicating, a misunderstanding and disagreement cannot be avoided. This applies not only to employees but also between superiors and employees. However, as employees, we must show our respect towards superiors. There is a saying that praise can be said in front of many people, but criticism must be delivered personally. This also applies to employees when there is a disagreement with their superiors. The answers are given by Mr. Hendri and Mr. Tan also reflect it, they will talk personally and find a middle way to achieve a win-win solution.
Misunderstanding can also be caused by cultural differences. As we know that Indonesia consists of many tribes, races, ethnicities, and religions. However, these cultural differences are not a problem for Mr. Hendri and Mr. Tan, because they thought in the workplace, we shouldn’t see these differences.
When a company can communicate well, then, of course, they will have no trouble in working together. Teamwork capability will have a huge impact on a company because we can together find solutions to deal with problems. The same thing was conveyed by Mr. Hendri and Mr. Tan, they say that teamwork is very important in a workplace, because we can’t work individually and the more people who think the more ideas that will arise.

By: Julia Metta Setiawan | 2201753126

This article is based on a PR Lab practicum project for the Workplace Ethics & Behaviour course