The theory of structuration, developed by Anthony Giddens, has been applied extensively in the study of group and organizational communication. Its central concepts—the distinction between system and structure, the duality of structure, the reflexive model of agency, the role of social institutions in human action, the three modalities of structure, the dialectic of control, and time–space distanciation— have been appropriated by numerous communication scholars. Structuration theory takes a processual view of the social world and features communication as one of the primary modes of being. It bridges conceptual divides between action and structure, stability and change, and macro- and microlevels of analysis. It offers a nondeterministic account of the social world but allows for regularities and the scaffolding of norms, power, and institutions to influence communication and its impacts. It also provides the foundation for a critical stance.

Littlejohn, Stephen W and Karen A.Floss. (2009). Encyclopedia of Communication Theory.USA:SAGE.654

Penanggungjawab naskah :

Gayes Mahestu
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