Embracing Diversity in Binus University
The word “Diversity” has many meanings. Our main focus of diversity is the uniqueness shown in it. Based on our interpretations, diversity is all about tolerating and compromising with each other. Sounds easy to be done yet difficult to act. Indonesia is a country with many island that have many people with different cultures, races, religions and to sum up it is all about having different backgrounds. Therefore, Indonesia is known for its uniqueness and diversity.
Bina Nusantara University, also known as BINUS is placed in Jakarta, Indonesia. Being one of the most prestigious and private universities in Indonesia, BINUS have students coming from different places all around Indonesia. For example Pekanbaru, Batam, Kalimantan, Bali and many more. Every region has its own signature and they all gather in BINUS so that’s why, BINUS is a unique campus that embrace every cultures in Indonesia.
“Appreciation Day” was the newest event held in BINUS, they picked “HORAS NUSANTARA” as their title. Every student who performed in that event were required to show something from Bataknese culture. In fact, the not all of the participants were Bataknese, but they still manage to perform something that is different from their own culture.
In conclusion, BINUS University is unique because they embrace diversity. They held a lot of events that require their students to know about other cultures. BINUS embraces all the differences as one which make BINUS graduates known as the most full spirited generation that will help Indonesia improve. (D,SM,SC)
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