Dr. Amia Luthfia, S.P., M.Si is a passionate advocate for media and digital literacy. She holds a Master’s and doctoral degree from the Communication Science University of Indonesia. Her research focuses on how the internet and digital media are reshaping society’s communication and behavior, as well as exploring possibilities for action.
Dr. Amia Luthfia has published over a dozen Scopus-indexed articles and has received numerous research grants, including three collaborations with UiTM Malaysia and Nanjing University, China.
In addition to her academic work, she is actively involved in community development activities for small business enterprises and family welfare movement organizations.
Her research interests include digital literacy, news literacy, digital resilience, online opportunities and risks, participatory culture, youth and social media, youth consumers and prosumers, online influencers, and digital marketing communication.
Dr. Amia Luthfia is qualified to teach media and digital literacy, media studies, intercultural communication, communication theory, and communication research methods.
Research and Publications:
- How the Online Game Shaped the Player’s Experiences
- Can the Damage be Undone? Analyzing Misinformation during COVID-19 Outbreak in Indonesia
- Factors Influencing Consumer’s Purchase Intention on Beauty Products in Youtube
- The Impact of Internet Motive and Access on the Opportunities and Risks of Teenager Internet Users in Indonesia
- The Analysis of Indonesian Teenagers’ Motives for Using the Internet
- Youtuber Personal Branding Content Analysis. A study on Indonesian Youtuber “Atta Halilintar”
- Indonesian Adolescents’ Online Opportunities and Risks
- The Role of Social Media in Improving Intercultural Communication Competence: A Comparative Study of European Students in Indonesia and Indonesian Students in Europe
- Analisis Faktor Eksploratori Konstruk Risiko Online
- Risiko Online pada Remaja dan Pendidikan Literasi Media Baru
- Survei Integritas Akademis dan Non- Akademis pada Mahasiswa
- Game Experience Pemain Online Games (Studi pada pemain online games DOTA dalam membentuk in- game dan post-game experience)
- Pendidikan Literasi Media untuk Menghadapi Risiko Online dan Jaringan Komunikasi Remaja di Internet
- An Effort to Improve the Effectiveness of Integrated Marketing Communication on Anticorruption Campaign
- Web Portal Brand Awareness Strategy (Case Study: UZONE single e- entertainment portal Telkom Indonesia)
- Pentingnya Kesadaran Antarbudaya dan Kompetensi Komunikasi Antarbudaya dalam Dunia Kerja Global
- Kajian Budaya Organisasi Bina Nusantara University Menuju “A World Class University”
- Realitas Kompetensi Komunikasi Antarbudaya pada Proses Adaptasi Pelajar Indonesia di Luar Negeri
- Kompetensi Komunikasi Antar Budaya Peserta Pelatihan dari Indonesia di Australia