There is no such thing as “individualism” in the workplace. No matter how smart and tough you are, you will always need help from others. In an environment as big as a workplace, you are obliged to work with others and create chemistry with other co-workers to complete the organization’s goals. Getting the attention of your co-workers is not easy, especially when you are new to the organization. It is always a challenge when you try to befriend your co-workers on the first day of the job, but it is not impossible. The goal of this article is to tell people how knowing who you are working with is important to achieve goals more effectively.

As a base of this article, I have interviewed two people from an organization who coincidentally are new to the organization. Before we dig deeper, one will ask why knowing your co-workers is important? It is because, in the workplace, one’s work will be affected by others. To put this in perspective, if one works in a team doesn’t do their job seriously, it will affect other worker’s productivity. One of my interviewees states that it is very difficult to bond with her co-workers because all of them came from different cultures and different backgrounds. Yes, it is a challenge to understand your “very diverse” teammates. After a few days in the organization, she finally can befriend her co-workers. She said that the key to bond with them is to be patient and understand their cultural differences.


Knowing your co-workers have a lot of advantages. The first one is you can cover more work with a team rather than alone. It was easier to work with someone you are familiar with rather than with some strangers. Your connection with your co-workers is important and once you bond with them, keep nurturing and fostering your relationship with them. The second advantage is that you can have someone that always watches your back. Nobody knows what will happen every day in the workplace. Maybe someday your boss is mad at you, or you have a flat tire on the way to work, you will be grateful for the co-workers who will support you unconditionally.

In conclusion, forget individualism and start working with others. You will achieve a lot of things as a group rather than as an individual. Put your differences aside and start working on our similarities. The faster you bond with your co-workers, the faster you will understand that every human being depends on each other for survival.


By Matthew Austin Naibaho // 2201851205 



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