Conflict is an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles. It unavoidable and will happen in every company, especially internal conflict. But it can be managed with a good leader. A good leader is a person who can communicate appropriately and motivate others significantly. They also should treat their subordinates nicely.

Every leader has a different way of treating their subordinates. From my interview with one of the employees at The Haven Suites Bali Berawa, Nadya Chendana, she said that her leader very good to her since her first day and told her to ask anything him if she doesn’t understand. According to her, she thinks that her leader has already become a good leader even though there is a misunderstanding, but so far so good. In my other interviewee’s leader from Halodoc, Eva Tanty Sari. Eva’s leader seems so cold and awkward on her first day, but after three years their relationship is better than before. But she also has another leader, she said, “If the current editor is so far, the way he leads is good. He is informative and wants to defend his subordinates (this is an important point for me). And he can also provide a solution if I have a problem. With the old editor, we used to be able to eat together. So, it’s not only your subordinates and superiors but also friends.”

Now, if we talk about handling internal conflict, every company and every leader also have different ways based on company rules. Nadya’s leader handling the internal crisis with identify the problem and collect people who have a problem, then they sit together to discuss and look for possibilities and solutions. Her company also has a range of fatal levels with a different action. The punishment can be a warning letter 1 to 3 or asked to resign. But Eva’s leader manages the internal conflict by defending her to her high superior and make sure his subordinates didn’t do a fatal mistake with evaluate and edit their writing. Halodoc also doing an internal meeting to solve the problem before. But now, the team is bigger, so the leader manages internal conflict immediately in the small group.

With those different ways, how do leaders supposed to handle their internal conflict professionally? First, a leader should know the right timing to manage internal conflict. The best time to take action is when there is hard evidence/proof that an employee has a track record of wrongdoing that is negatively impacting the performance of others. Second, know your boundaries to make it isn’t more complicated and unmanageable if you don’t know the limitations and boundaries of your employees. Every company has its boundaries differently, so you must know the risks and rewards of conflict resolution within the boundaries of each of your employees. And third, respecting differences in people can help you better understand how to manage conflict with your employee professionally.

By: Tania Dewi Priscilia/ 220180193