What You Need to Know About : Intercultural Communication Competence
The study of intercultural communication competence is an extension of communication competence with a specific application to culture. The complexity of culture makes the study of communication competence more dynamic. The globalization of human society due to the rapid development of communication and transportation technology also makes the study of intercultural communication competence more critical and significant in promoting productive and successful communication among people from different cultural, racial, and religious backgrounds. The three models developed by Guo-Ming Chen and his colleagues in 1987, 1996, and 2005 illustrate the content, scope, and history of the study of intercultural communication competence.
Littlejohn, Stephen W and Karen A.Floss. (2009). Encyclopedia of Communication Theory.USA:SAGE.
Penanggungjawab naskah :
Gayes Mahestu
Edwina Ayu Kustiawan
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