If we hear “educated”, we conclude that the person is taking certain level of formal education process from middle school to university.

It can also be that the person has finished certain level of education process, such as has finished high school.

The normal thing is, the higher formal education the person has,  better the person become. “Better” means more polite, more intelligent, better behaviour, and certainly not breaking laws or stealing something. 

It should be like that.

However, we have seen that many so called educated people break MOST the law. such as:

-We have seen high school students in Indonesia fighting till they cause danage to OTHER

– We have seen many evil investment bankers with prestigious academic degree, often from Ivy League,  cripple national economy with their evil investment. They intend to do it

– We have seen many corrupt people by decent academic degree

– we have seen many colonizers whose colonization action decided by clever people

I am afraid that those things above will still be seen in the future.

What is wrong with us human?

This is homework for everyone. Kindness, helpful, knowing right & wrong come from basic education (family), not formal education

