First of all, what is Plagiarism? What is the connection between plagiarism and integrity? According to Oxford English Dictionaries, plagiarism is “The practice of taking someone Else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own” which is an act of thievery on Intellectual property or ideas. Integrity lies in whether you are an honest person or not, whether what you said and what you have done are the same and be aware that Integrity is the depiction of yourself. said that in 2014, Indonesia has 6 out of 8 most famous plagiarism case are about thesis and dissertation. One of the examples is involving renowned Professor from a prestigious university in Indonesia. This is an urgent issue that needs to stop as the integrity of our educational institution in this country is at risk.

How could plagiarism happen? According to Jonathan Bailey from the reason why plagiarism occurred as in this case because smart people would put an outcome ahead of the process and this varies from person to person, as some feel that the process is unimportant, unfair, unnecessary or limiting. As University student we need to address this issues more because this is regarding our academic integrity as the future generation. Start from now, start from us #OriginalityMatters #Janganjadimesinphotocopy

Sources From :

Bailey, Jonathan. 2013. 3 Reasons Smart People Plagiarize.

Chandra, Bobby. 2014. 8 Kasus Plagiat yang Menghebohkan Indonesia.

Oxford Dictionary. 2017.