This is a full-time internship program, where Entrepreneurship Track students are prepared to be coached in building concepts and executing their business. Value Proposition: Preparing students with real experience to become entrepreneurs through start-up businesses.

Entrepreneurship Track

The 3+1 Entrepreneurship track program aims to provide real experience as an entrepreneur in creating and running a business.
In the Entrepreneurship track program, students will learn to create, and develop business ideas with Business Models, market development, prototypes and product development by running a startup business.
The Entrepreneurship track can be followed for one semester or two semesters at a time depending on the provisions of the department curriculum.
The target of the first semester is that students can make a prototype and carry out validation. The target for the second semester is to continue the results from the first semester so that business development can be carried out.
Benefits for students:

Have a profitable business that has been monetized before graduating
During the program students will be accompanied to identify market potential, connect to vendors, support in monetizing, search for investors, and direct competition with competitors.
Nimble and learning with experience from real problems in the Industry
Given the opportunity to take part in various events (eg: Tech in Asia; Startup World Cup and information, especially from Entrepreneurs from Binus Alumni.
Students will be supported by lecturers from all study programs according to their business ideas.
Potential for investment by investors.
Prototype products can be used as thesis material
Potential to generate income of IDR 300 million / year before graduating (currently not yet a graduation criteria)