Graduate profiles are roles carried out by the graduates in the specific field or expertise after completing their studies.

Student Outcomes (SO) are competencies that should be achieved by students upon graduation in the area of knowledge, skills, and attitudes designed based on recent advancement and needs, scientific development, and graduate profiles.

Graduate Profiles Specific Students Outcomes Program Characteristic Student Outcomes Multidisciplinary Student Outcome
SO 1 SO 2 SO 3 SO 4 SO 5 SO 6
Public Relations v   v v   v
Entrepreneur/Sociopreneur     v v v v
Marketing Communication Specialist v v v   v v
Advertising Specialist v v v   v v
Content Writer v v v v v v
Investor Relations v   v v v v
Government Relations v   v v   v
Community Relations v   v v   v
Media Relations v   v v v v
Copywriter v v   v v v
Spokesperson v v v v v v
Key Opinion Leader Specialist v   v v v v
Social Media Specialist v v v v v v
Digital Strategist v v v v v v
Media Planner v   v   v v
Market Forecaster v   v v v v
Brand Community Specialist v v v   v v
Market Researcher v   v   v v
Media Researcher v   v     v
UX Writer         v v

The graduate profiles in the table above require the graduate to achieve all the student outcomes.